Steve James
Managing Director
0414 779 620
Managing Director
M (Fin Services) Law (Macq Univ), JP, GAICD, MSAA,
Dipl Fin Markets (AFMA)

Steve James, our MD, has over 30 years experience in financial services and has extensive company board experience in both listed and unlisted enterprises.
An experienced Trader (FX and Fixed Income), Financial Planner, E-commerce pioneer, (Online Broking and Managed Fund Data consolidation), Steve currently sits on a number of company boards across the financial services industry.
Steve is a Justice of the Peace, holder of a Masters Degree in Financial Services Law from Macquarie University and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Steve was granted the Master Stockbroker qualification from the Stockbrokers Association of Australia in 2009 and completed the Diploma of Financial Markets course in 2015, conducted and awarded by the Australian Financial Markets Association.
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