We have ore than 50 years of experience
Tim Muffet
August 24, 2020

Can I get out of my contract because of the Covid-19 pandemic? The meaning of Force Majeure.

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An employee had resigned but had brought a claim for constructive dismissal on the basis that he was being badly treated by the employer, was not able to perform his duties and so had no choice but to resign.The employer disputed these allegations.

A person's interest in a super fund generally doesn’t automatically form part of a deceased person’s estate...

At first glance the two component parts of the term, fine arts and law, may seem incongruous. Fine arts law, however, is actually a combination of...

What is robo-advice?It is claimed that around $US300 billion of funds under management on a worldwide basis, are under the management of so called...

Recently I attended a session of four seminars, each of one hour, focused on the professional liability of financial service providers (FSPs)...